'Alternate' is a collection of three kinetic works that when housed together, create an alternate world. Here, every power dynamic woven into today's society is swapped. Each piece metaphorically presents one swapped dynamic by way of a game, hoping to highlight new dimensions of the inequalities that plague our world today.
This project was created in response to the theme 'Kinetic Transformation'. Each piece transforms static 2D materials into 3D motion through three given prompts: paper pop-ups, zoetropes, and puppetry.
Through the game of chess, this paper pop-up piece explores the power dynamic of class. A seemingly empty chess board opens up to unveil three scenes with a pawn that here, has greater power than all other traditionally higher ranking pieces, representing the rise of the working class.

Through the game of cards, this zoetrope explores the power dynamic of gender. Through the frames that sequentially flash before the viewer's eyes, the queen moves up in the value sequence as female power is strengthened. As it passes through the king it gains a crown, the same crown worn by the king.
As unique cards that can take on a transforming value, the aces dotting the outside of the animation strip encourage the viewer to confront their notions of power.


Through the game of 'Rock, Paper, Scissors', this puppetry piece explores the power dynamic of emotion v.s. reason. The malleability of paper is symbolically tied to subjective emotion, which takes control of rock-solid reason. In contrast to a world where being sensitive, emotional, or vulnerable is seen as a weakness, here emotion gains greater leverage than reason.

These three pieces come together inside a game established in connections: a life-size snakes and ladders board. This installation presents a world that 'snakes' our current systems.
The location signs introduce each reversed power dynamic represented using game jargon and word puns. The words stuck on each box present their own interactive mind game: the viewer is inclined to associate each word with one of the two sides of the power dynamic represented however as they do, the viewer is forced to question the biases that led them into making that choice.

